2015 Goals

Fresh on the heels of the Vision and the Vow post comes my 2015 goals.  I dare you, dear readers, to challenge me and pray for me as I strive to reach them!

Put the past behind me:
This is a big one.  I've got some baggage that's been weighing me down.  Time to shed those extra emotional pounds!

Be More of the man God wants me to be:
(This is filler, as the goal is rather self-explanatory)

Get into healthy/workout habits:
I'm neither a blob nor a string bean - and I'd rather not be either.  I just want to have a few better habits in terms of my svelte body.  :P

Have a home:
Quite simply, my wife and I are tired of apartments.  Time to be done with them!

Get a flash fiction piece published:
Once upon a time, I was told that I should start small.  Write, write, write.  Submit articles to magazines.  Well, instead of articles I choose flash.  Maybe Splickety will be looking for a staff feature at some point... :P

Finish my Work in Progress (Target date: July 2015):
I'm about a third of the way through my rough draft.  The goal is to have the entirety of the novel completed, edited, and proofread by the time Realm Makers rolls around.  Speaking of...

Make it to Realm Makers (August 2015):
Because of the financial bit of things, this'll be a toughie.  But I want to be there, so it's going to happen!  Realm Makers, for those who don't know, is a Speculative Fiction writing conference.  I've heard it's the place to be!

Read and review books:
Specifically, I'd like to read at least one fiction and one non-fiction book a month and review all 24.

Help make Splickety greater:
Splickety Publishing is pretty fantastic.  I'd just like to have a hand in raising it up a few more notches.


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