Blood for Blood: the contest!

I'll admit it: I don't like vampire tales. A vast majority of them are trite and quite frankly, boring. But the creatures themselves have always fascinated me. What must it be like to live in the space between life and death? To murder in order to sustain yourself? Does the person you once were no longer exist when you've changed? Fascinating stuff indeed!

So let's talk about a vampire story that I actually really like. Ben Wolf wrote a fascinating tale set amidst real-world history: Blood for Blood. And it's wonderful. My review of the novel can be found here. (Be warned: it was among the first book reviews I ever posted.)

As a lover of redemption stories with a twist, I can't recommend this highly enough. And I'm giving you all the chance to win a signed copy! How cool is that? All you've got to do to enter is put your favorite vampire tale in the comments. I'll draw a winner on this Sunday, October 25th.

Thanks for tuning in! 


  1. I'm getting a signed copy myself already, so don't include me in the giveaway. I've always been fond of Hellsing. It was cheesy, but it had Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale! Who doesn't like a fully automatic crossbow?


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